Anne-Sophie Bonno, Painter and Copyst   Version française English Version Copy at the Louvres museum of Suzan bathing by Anne-Sophie Bonno


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Interpretation Galery

Examples of some of my works - Double-clic on the work to enlarge

Fantasia interpretation from FromentinFantasia
Interpretation from Eugene Fromentin,
Arabs hunting with a falcon in Sahara, 1865
Oil painting on canvas painted in 2002, 46 x 54 cm

Nude from behind - Interpretation in camaieu from a drawingNu de dos
Interpretation in camaieu from an academic
drawing of Prud'hon begining of 19th century
Oil painting on canvas , 2005

46 x 65 cm

hands study - Interpretation from Leonardo da VinciHands study
Interpretation from Leonardo da Vinci, pierre noire
avec rehauts de craie blanche on tainted paper

Solimena - MadonnaInterpretation from Solimena Francesco, XVIIIth
Virgin of the Immaculate Conception,
Oil painting on canvas




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